50% of adult internet users say VR tours help them make better decisions.

In 2017, Royal Trinity Hospice launched a 360° VR tour with Flix Films/VR to showcase life inside England’s oldest hospice. This innovative tour helps patients and families explore Trinity’s facilities, people, and services, breaking common misconceptions along the way. Featuring 360° audio by Big Blue, the tour can be viewed in VR mode via smartphone and goggles or explored interactively on a computer or tablet through Trinity’s YouTube channel or website.
“Flix are dynamic, creative, responsive, organised – and have given METRO a competitive edge at a crucial time”.
“The end product made me cry – because it captured so beautifully the messages we wished to impart. Just beautiful in a pure and transparent way”.
“The scenario’s are clinically credible and many identify directly with the interactions. Clear demonstration of skills help learners link theory to practice and increase the transfer of knowledge and expertise”.